No one is a stranger to an upset stomach or indigestion, and it’s never something you expect never to experience again. It’s a regular part of life, and is bound to happen at some time or another. But that doesn’t mean you can’t try and reduce the chances of it happening. By controlling your eating habits and lifestyle, the only time you should really be worried about indigestion being the cause of your stomachache is when you try something outside of your own routines.

Here are some of the symptoms you could experience with an upset stomach:

  • Passing gas or feeling a build-up of it
  • Bloating
  • Belching, to relieve excess gas, which could result in bringing up acidic fluid or food into your mouth
  • Heartburn, as a result of acid reflux
  • Regular hiccupping or coughing
  • Feeling nauseous or like you might throw up

If you feel these symptoms for an extended period of time, it might be serious enough to warrant a visit to a doctor. We recommend consulting these [, if you reside in the area.

Things to Avoid

If you’re sure you have an upset stomach, there’s no reason to try and make it worse. Some of your regular habits may need to be put on hold if you want to have a smooth recovery from the condition. Here are some things you may want to avoid if you’re not looking to have a worse time with it than you need to:

  • Dairy products: These usually have a lot of content that the body finds hard to digest, which only strains your digestive system further.
  • Solid food: This is wholly dependent on if you feel comfortable with it. Sometimes an upset stomach makes it harder to keep solid food down, so softer food and liquids are your safest bet.
  • Fried goods: These are generally high in fat and oils, which are hard for the body to digest.
  • Foods with a lot of spices: Spices can irritate the linings of the intestines, which can have somewhat of a laxative effect in some people. A history of upset stomachs following eating spicy food is a good indicator that you should avoid it.
  • Soft Drinks: Drinks like soda contain a lot of gas, which can aggravate already present gas-associated symptoms. In addition to this, the sugar content could also intensify diarrhea.


Here are some things you can try to ease the condition without resorting to medication:

  1. Chamomile Tea: The chamomile here acts as an anti-inflammatory, reducing the effect of whatever might’ve caused the upset stomach.
  2. Ginger: As with chamomile, this is also an anti-inflammatory. You can add ginger to your food or have it with a drink.
  3. Lemon juice, with baking soda and water: This mixture produces carbonic acid, which can help reduce gas and indigestion, as well as digest and absorb fats and alcohol.
  4. Mint: Menthol, the part of mint which gives a cooling effect, has been shown to help in reducing symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting, pain and muscles cramps or spasms.
  5. Water: This may go without saying, but hydration is extremely important. Water is responsible for ensuring efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients. Without enough water, digestion becomes increasingly difficult.

If you want to know more about what you can do about an upset stomach, it’s best if you find out about remedies and treatments from a professional. We recommend you look up the Best General physician in Lahore.

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